Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
- Seeing the roads within chaos
- Understanding the patterns of chaos
- Moving without fear in the darkness
- Facilitating soul work
- Empowering oneself
- Moving in unknown places
- Shapeshifter
- Psychic sight
Wisdom Includes:
- Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity
and courage
- Death and rebirth
- Spirit teaching
- Guidance in dreams and meditations
- Instinct linked with intelligence
- Social and familial values
- Outwitting enemies
- Ability to pass unseen
- Steadfastness
- Skill in protection of self and family
- Taking advantage of change
Coyote's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding that all things are sacred--yet
nothing is sacred
- Teaching that only when all masks have fallen
will we connect with the Source
- Intelligence
- Singing humans into being
- Childhood trust in truth
- Teaching us how to rear our young
- Brings rain
- Ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes
- Placing the North Star
- Shape-shifting
- Teaching balance between risk and safety
- Illumination
- Stealth
Rabbit/Hare's Wisdom Includes:
Paradox and contradiction
Living by one’s own wits
Receiving hidden teachings and intuitive
Moving through fear
Strengthening intuition
Heron's Wisdom Includes:
- All aspects of diversity
- Self-reliance
- Boundaries
- Exploration
- Self-esteem
- Balancing multiple tasks
- Dignity
Lion's Wisdom Includes:
Letting go of stress
Strong family ties
Self fullfillment
Cheetah's Wisdom Includes:
- Brotherhood
- Elusiveness
- Ability to focus intently on something for
a short period of time
- Swiftness
- Self-esteem
- Accelerating time
- Keenness of sight
Tiger's Wisdom Includes:
Strength and will-power in the face
of adversity
Acting in a timely manner
Action without analysis
Frog's Wisdom Includes:
- Reminder of common bonds with all life
- Singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient
watery beginnings
- Transformation
- Cleansing
- Understanding emotions
- Rebirth
Deer/Hart's Wisdom Includes:
- Gentleness in word, thought and touch
- Ability to listen
- Grace and appreciation for the beauty of
- Understanding of what's necessary for survival
- Power of gratitude and giving
- Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
- Connection to the woodland goddess
- Alternative paths to a goal
Duck's Wisdom Includes:
Grace on water
Water energy
Seeing clearly through emotions
Spirit helper of mystics and seers
Butterfly/Caterpillar's Wisdom Includes:
- The power of the whirlwind
- Reincarnation
- Transformation
- Transmutation
- Magick
Swan's Wisdom Includes:
- Awakening the power of self
- Understanding dream symbols
- Seeing into the future
- Understanding spiritual evolution
- Developing intuitive abilities
- Divination
- Grace in dealing with others
Porcupine's Wisdom Includes:
Trust in Spirit
Renewed sense of wonder
Creating your own path
Protection of boundaries
Defense when threatened
Allowing others their path
Squirrel's Wisdom Includes:
Ability to solve puzzles
Quick change of direction
Storing for the future
Balance in giving and receiving
Power of rest during times of non-movement
Avoiding danger by climbing to a
higher place
Vulture/Buzzard/Condor's Wisdom Includes:
Death and rebirth
Love of the Mother goddess
Knowledge concerning the death of
a loved one
New vision
Opossum's Wisdom Includes:
- Proper use of deception
- Use of appearances
- Sensibility
- Guidance to uncovering talent, psychic or
- Gaining wisdom
- Recovery
Snake/Serpent's Wisdom Includes:
- Messanger of the Rainbow Serpent
- Elusiveness
- Manipulates lightning
- Transmutation
- Exploration of the mysteries of life
- Primitive or elemental energy
- Protection from religious persecution
- Goddess energy
- Psychic energy
- Creative power
- Immortality
- Connection to or forms the magic cord by
which the shaman travels to the soul world
Turkey's Wisdom Includes:
Sacrifice of self for a higher purpose
Understanding the gift of giveaway
Honoring the Earth Mother
Harvest bounties
Gull's Wisdom Includes:
Spiritual messengers
Communication with deities
Behaving responsibly
Ability to see from above situations
Bee's Wisdom Includes:
Connection to the Goddess Diana
Understanding female warrior energy
Communication with the dead
Helping earth-bound spirits move
on to their proper place
Grouse's Wisdom Includes:
Standing at the door of the Great
Understanding the circular nature
of time
Dancing the sacred dance of life
How to travel through the Great
Understanding and working with cycles
Dove/Pigeon's Wisdom Includes:
Brings peace and love
Understanding of gentleness
Spirit messenger
Communicates between the two worlds
Mouse/Lemming/Vole's Wisdom Includes:
- Examines life's lessons
- Shyness
- Quietness
- Understanding details
- Seeing double meanings in things
- Invisibility
- Stealth
- Guidance in signing contracts
- Discovery
- Ability to be unseen
Wasp/Hornet/Yellowjacket's Wisdom Includes:
Use of female warrior energy
Understanding female societies
Communal living
Beetle/Ladybug's Wisdom Includes:
Carries the Golden Strand that leads
to the Center of the Universe
Past lives
Spiritual enlightenment
Death and Rebirth
Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding the power of song
- Happiness
- Guide in the wisdom of change
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
- Introspection
- Healing
- Solitude
- Change
- Communication with Spirit
- Death and rebirth
- Transformation
- Astral travel
- Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
- Visionaries
- Defense and revenge
- Wisdom
Wisdom Includes:
- Desire
- Fertility
- Manifesting new love in ones life
- Understanding the aspects of race
- Ability to use the power of song
- All aspects of color
Rat'sWisdom Includes:
- Abundant reproduction
- Ability to live unseen
- Stealth
- Defense
- Intelligence
- Symbol of fertility and wealth
Wisdom Includes:
- Attacking from the rear
- Death and rebirth
- Transmutation of poison
- Reflecting dark and negative energy back
to its sender
Wisdom Includes:
- Symbol of spring and light
- Astral travel
- New knowledge
- Seeing all things associated with secrets
- Wisdom
- Seeks to help others on their paths
- Longevity
- Elegance
- Using voice uniquely
Bobcat's Wisdom Includes:
- Clear vision in dark places
- Vigilance
- Suspicion
- Seeking ancient mystical mysteries
- Ability to live in solitude
- Ability to see through masks
Tarantula's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to shed the outer skin (masks) and
- Creativity
- Spinning a web to entrap enemies
- Defense of territory
- Intimidation by size
- Use of environment to conceal oneself
Wisdom Includes:
- Importance of keeping yourself mobile
- Understands the value of leaving a trail
- Ability to use slow movement to ones advantage
- Defense through retreat
- Understands the value of humor
Moth's Wisdom Includes:
The power of the whirlwind
Ease of movement in darkness/shadow
Ability to confuse enemies
Ability to find light in darkness
Wisdom Includes:
- Movement through ego
- Using color to heal
- Expansion of self awareness
- Understanding the use of ritual
Worm's Wisdom Includes:
Purifies the Earth
Ability to find nurturing within
the Earth
Ability to wiggle out of difficult
Tick's Wisdom Includes:
Transmission of ideas
Ability to use heat and movement
to see
Phoenix' Wisdom Includes:
- Keeper of the Fires of Creation
- Protector of all Fire
- Death and Rebirth
- Regeneration
- Connection to Raven